Making a difference doesn't have to break the budget. You can help the environment and save money at the same time.
A Higher Standard
In order to promote an increased usage of renewable energy and the development of renewable products, many states have adopted Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). An RPS is a statewide benchmark for the percentage of electricity that must come from green, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Continued development of renewable resources is largely driven by the adoption of these standards. As many states continue to work toward green energy solutions and higher renewable standards, Viridian is proud to lead the way with our commitment to a minimum standard of 20% green energy in all our markets.
Learn more about Renewable Portfolio Standards from
How does "green energy" work?
To help facilitate the sale of renewable electricity nationally, a system was established that separates renewable electricity generation into two parts: the electricity produced by a renewable generator and the renewable "attributes" of that generation. These renewable attributes are sold separately as renewable energy certificates (RECs). One REC is issued for each megawatt-hour (MWh) unit of renewable electricity produced. Buying RECs helps build a market for renewable electricity and contributes to environmental sustainability.
Learn more about Renewable Energy Certificates from
What's so great about being green?
By purchasing Viridian products, customers will support currently available renewable resources as well as aid the development of new renewable resources to be built in the U.S. As a company we love to track the collective reduction in carbon emissions from our family of customers. As we all work together making simple choices we can contribute to the reduction of global pollution and together we can make a difference.
In addition to feeling better about your contribution to our world, there are many widespread benefits of greener standards. Some of these benefits include:
- Environmental improvement
- Increased diversity and security of energy supply
- Lower natural gas prices
- Reduced volatility of power prices
- Local economic development
How "Green" Are Viridian's Products?
Viridian offers two products so customers can choose the green standard that is best for their lifestyle. All Viridian products adhere to the highest quality standards in the industry.
Our Everyday Green product is our most popular product and offers a 20% renewable energy option that feels good for the conscience and the budget. For the more environmentally conscious customer, our Green-E certified Pu